Tuesday, November 20, 2012

GS, TS, IP, IVF, ART, ED and other capital letters.

So I spent a couple nights searching for information about surrogacy. It's come a long way from some of the traditional surrogacy stories seen in made for TV movies. Nowadays it's a technological, legal web that leaves virtually no loopholes or stones unturned. There are still some women that go the route of traditional surrogacy, using their own eggs and artificial insemination but what I was curious about was gestational surrogacy, or becoming a gestational carrier. That meant having an embryo that was completely unrelated to me, an embryo created by IVF, transferred to me to carry and birth.
Now there are quite a few restrictions right off the bat, you have to be in a certain age range, must be at a healthy weight, non-smoker, mentally stable, financially ok, and done having your own children.
Close enough! I want to do this!

So the next thing I have to do is present this idea to hubby, C. I was prepared for him to say no and that being the end of my great idea. Both partners must be 100% on board because this is a huge life impact.
His reaction was surprising, he said its my body andy choice, he would support and help however I needed. Yippee! I then explained I would need his help for sure when it came time for daily hormone shots. I knew I couldn't do that part myself. Thank goodness I married a nurse :)

So, about those capital letters-
GS gestational surrogate
GC gestational carrier (same thing)
IP intended parents
IM intended mother
IF intended father
TS traditional surrogate
ED egg donor
ART assisted reproductive technology
IVF in vitro fertilization
ET embryo transfer

There's many more too!

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